
Histogram Histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of numerical data. It is similar to a Bar Chart, but a histogram groups numbers into ranges, »

Reading 1 Questions

Why is coding/programming considered vital to processing and visualizing data? When and how did the two become so intertwined? Is coding for the purpose of »

R1 Questions

What limitations does python have? Are there any good examples that shows us the code and the visualization? What are some good practices to start creating »

Week 2

February 29 Presentations pick a presentation topic and choose a date PlotDevice Q&A your questions PlotDevice exercises experiment with the size and background commands »


1 Plot Devices is an app made for Mac OS but what are equivalent programs for Windows OS? 2 What are the limitations of python? 3 »


Is there a good way to "sketch" a desired interaction before beginning to code in order to identify and communciate the goal? How do you decide »

Reading Questions 1

Is there a way to automate the data visualization, to update new data entries in real time? PlotDevice can export the visual as an image/vector, »

Reading Response 1

What are the benefits of using plotdevice to make text files, if any? Would it be accurate to say that csv files are more easily applied »


What are the pros and cons on using csv over something like sql? What other libraries are there in python for graphical processing? How commonly is »

Questions from Week 1

The interface feels very similar to the Processing interface, and I didn't realise how little difference there is between Python and Java. This leads me to »

A Thousand Suns

For our first warm-up exercise, we'll be examining a simple time-series dataset: the history of nuclear testing by the eight (declared) nuclear nations. In the first »

r1 - python

How do you determine when Python would be best used? When would you use csv over json in serialization? What are the possibilities for Python to »

Presentation Topics

FROM HISTORY Ladislav Sutnar Otto Neurath William Playfair Charles Joseph Minard Oliver Byrne Henry Gantt Samuel Plimsoll CONTEMPORARY Catalogtree Golan Levin Ben Fry / Fathom Martin Wattenberg »


How does Python work with Processing? What is Python great for and what is Processing great for? What is the most efficient way to find bugs? »


1.Can PlotDevice be used like Processing to make interactive visualizations? Is one more user friendly, or easier to use than the other?What are the »


How does the tab-key work? What is the default arguments? What is the relationship between the output and messages? What kind of data can you extract »

Reading #2

Why Do Many Reasonable People Doubt Science? By Joel Achenbach We live in an age when all manner of scientific knowledge—from climate change to vaccinations— »

r2 - doubting science

In addition to the science communication problem, are our perceptions of science hindered by the static presentation of data? Especially when topics like climate change occur »

R2 Questions

How can we help alter misconceptions? Is there a way to help people see past their own beliefs? How can we remain unbiased and present the »