
matrix any two dimensional set of numbers, colors, intensities, sized dots, or other glyphs good for plotting and analyzing a wide range of data. used arranged »

R1 Questions

What limitations does python have? Are there any good examples that shows us the code and the visualization? What are some good practices to start creating »

R2 Questions

How can we help alter misconceptions? Is there a way to help people see past their own beliefs? How can we remain unbiased and present the »

R3 Questions

1.Does a visualization necessarily have to be computer-supported? 2. How come visual design tends to be left out from these definitions and sets of steps? »


1.How can you find the balance in abstracting and still being able to tell the information accurately and easily? 2. How can we make people »


How do color meanings change based on the demographic you're presenting to? Are there special considerations/tools when it comes to color blindness? How did palette »


Can better tools & software help drastically improve the general practice? Technology is becoming more and more advanced at collecting big data. How can design make »