Heat Map

HEAT MAP a graphical representation of data where the values contained in a matrix are represented as colors. Can be used for understanding behaviors on multiple »


Is there a good way to "sketch" a desired interaction before beginning to code in order to identify and communciate the goal? How do you decide »


Can we map intuition next to science to help people visualize the mental tug of war? The article places story (anecdote) in opposition to statistics. When »


Frye describes data visualization as operating as "external cognition" - can this ever be done with more qualitative information? Should there be a step added to »

R5 Comments

Does introducing empathy limit the amount of information you can communicate? What information helps viewers foster empathy for an individual? (If you can include only one »


I am curious about which stage of the design process to land on the color range to use? I can see it being helpful to commit »

Reading 7

Should it be required data be available for any data visualization in publications or even newspaper articles? Links could prevent publications from getting too long but »