Create and publish a new post and assign it the tag “catalog” in the gear menu.
Describe your chosen visualization type in terms of the kinds of values it represents (e.g., fractions, integers, percentages, etc.) and the sorts of comparisons it enables or discourages.
Include 3 images demonstrating ‘good’ uses of this visualization type.
Include 3 images demonstrating ‘bad’ uses and describe why they are less successful.
Consult the Markdown Guide to help you format your text & images.
Refine your Catalog entry based on the class discussion and see if you can find additional examples (with an emphasis on the ‘good’ uses of the form).
Next week we'll have an in-class programming workshop. In preparation for that, please read this selection of tutorial chapters.
As with every reading assignment, you will be expected to post 3 questions to the class blog the night before the next class meeting to help guide our in-class discussion.
Be sure to add the tag "R1" to your post by clicking on the gear icon at the top of the screen.