

“The issue is about diagrams that are accurate, versus those that are understandable”

  • In the field of information visualization, is legibility more important than accuracy? Or vice versa? How does someone design for people who are unfamiliar with the subject matter while remaining true to the data?

  • Do conscious design choices make infographics less ethical? Is untouched data the only truly unbiased way to present information? At what point / in what situation does designing information become somehow more ethical or true than if it weren’t touched by human hands at all? Doesn’t any conscious choice in presenting data inject the bias of the designer?

“a designer cannot address every single design task in an era of always-on internet connections and ever- changing information.”

  • How is the pace of the digital age affecting information design? Are static visualizations a thing of the past? Can a static visualization capture the same authenticity as one that changes and adapts over time?