
Reading Response

Jonathan Melendez Davidson, (c.2017)

On, 'Why do Many Reasonable People Doubt Science' - Joel Achenbach

  1. I believe the act of "proofing" whether X is correct or incorrect is a vital tool for the sciences and should be implemented in design fields. Pharma companies go through the process of pre-market testing and multiple years of studies before their products reach the consumer. With our fields being (ID, GD, Arch.) so interconnected with materiality, trends and public exposure, how can a designer produce works which are pre-tested and reach the market at a proofed staged and at the right time?

  2. Is a lot of skepticism toward the Science's based on the inter connectivity of science, industry and governments?

  3. Recently there are fields of design focusing on fiction and naivete, meaning they part from reality. The argument for this type of design is that the breaking away from the concept of reality can lead to discoveries and or insights beyond those which we can currently conceive (discovery rather than research). There are arguments to be made about how fiction/naivete in the past has influenced science and technology fields today. How can the sciences not criticize naivete, but rather utilize it as another tool in their tool kit? If this were to happen, what role would "proofing" take in this process?