
Graph A graph is a collection of nodes and edges representing some sort of objects and their relationships with each other. Metro Maps are a more »


What are the pros and cons on using csv over something like sql? What other libraries are there in python for graphical processing? How commonly is »


How is it that high scientific literacy only serves to polarize climate debate? How can we as designers, who might not be as scientifically literate, present »


Q1 - Ben Fry illustrates the importance of "pre-attentive" information, using the example that the human brain can more quickly parse information that is visual in »


Are the silhouettes used to humanize the visualizations accurate? or are they stock vector graphics scaled up and down to the size of the player's height? »


The paper mentions that visualizations of categorical data are difficult to convey because the public is generally not familiar with the conventional ways of presenting it. »